After minutes of arrival, it was picked off the shelf by this self made, reassured man. Or well thats what he seemed to be. After traveling through the streets of PrimeDale, here it was, on his desk. Unlike the urge to pick it up, the man decided to give it sometime before the paper regained his attention. For all the churning and pain staking traveling the paper underwent, it got 10 minutes or less of the man's attention. Why? New technology had replaced his cause. He was not just an everyday routine and not a part of the morning coffee+paper equation.
And before much realisation was brought about, there he was making its way to the recycle bin, to continue its everyday mundane task, filled with dismay and questions lurking.
Its odd how over time, we might sometimes take up the role of a newspaper in somebody's everyday routine. After passion follows ignorance would be the notes that will be sung. After every confrontation, we will churn around to another day of nothingness.
Is there is a time when you can stand up and say: I am a quitter and I am proud of it. Just cause you are afraid does not mean you have the right to belittle me.
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